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The Guardian News Classification Using Naive Bayes Classifier

In this project, Naive Bayes was used to classified Guardian articles. The articles have six labels are business, culture, environment, life-and-style, sport, technology. We will apply the Naive Bayes method to our sample articles for testing.

In [1]:
#!pip install wordcloud
In [3]:
import requests
import json
import time
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import re
import os
import wordcloud 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from wordcloud import WordCloud
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report,confusion_matrix
import random as rd
import seaborn as sn
In [4]:
url = ""
In [5]:
key = "" #guardian api key
url = url + key
filename = "news_database.csv"
totalpage = 10 #1Page contains 200 articles
In [6]:
def get_articles(types_):
    if filename in os.listdir("."):
        df_ = pd.read_csv(filename)
        print("file found")
        print("creating article dataframe...")
        textdata =[]
        label = []
        for typ in types_:
            for k in range(1,totalpage+1): 
                u1 = url % (typ,str(k))
                data = requests.get(u1)
                parsed_data = json.loads(data.text)
                if (parsed_data["response"]["status"] == "ok"):
                    for art in parsed_data["response"]["results"]:
        df_ = pd.DataFrame({'Text': textdata,'Label': label,})
        df_.to_csv(filename, encoding='utf-8')
    return df_
In [7]:
df =  get_articles(types)
file found
In [8]:
#Temizlik bolumu
df = df.replace("(<figure.*?</figure>)",' ', regex=True)
df = df.replace("(<a\sh.*?</a>)",' ', regex=True)
df = df.replace('<[^>]*>', ' ', regex=True)
df = df.replace('â€.', ' ', regex=True)
df = df.replace("[^a-zA-Z]"," ", regex=True)
for i in range(5):
    df = df.replace("\s(\w{1,3})\s",' ', regex=True)
In [9]:
df.Label = pd.Categorical(df.Label)
df['Category'] =
technology      2000
sport           2000
lifeandstyle    2000
environment     2000
culture         2000
business        2000
Name: Label, dtype: int64
In [10]:
if 'filename.csv' not in os.listdir("."):
    df.to_csv("filename.csv", encoding='utf-8')
Unnamed: 0 Text Label Category
0 0 World Bank reassuring message those fearful b... technology 5
1 1 Ryker Price Looking like Trans... technology 5
2 2 When story told historians hard pressed... technology 5
3 3 This March Facebook coming under global scru... technology 5
4 4 Facebook accounts were affected data brea... technology 5
In [11]:
Unnamed: 0 Text Label Category words
0 0 world bank reassuring message those fearful b... technology 5 [world, bank, reassuring, message, those, fear...
1 1 ryker price looking like trans... technology 5 [ryker, price, looking, like, transformer, cro...
2 2 when story told historians hard pressed... technology 5 [when, story, told, historians, hard, pressed,...
3 3 this march facebook coming under global scru... technology 5 [this, march, facebook, coming, under, global,...
4 4 facebook accounts were affected data brea... technology 5 [facebook, accounts, were, affected, data, bre...

Split Data to Train and Test

In [12]:
#Split Test and Training
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
train, test = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.3)
In [13]:
In [14]:
Unnamed: 0 Text Label Category words
0 3055 descended house recently throwing family lif... lifeandstyle 3 [descended, house, recently, throwing, family,...
1 1648 free wifi services offered hotels airports ... technology 5 [free, wifi, services, offered, hotels, airpor...
2 11123 pollution inequality between world rich poor... environment 2 [pollution, inequality, between, world, rich, ...
3 1984 british political party will victim hack simi... technology 5 [british, political, party, will, victim, hack...
4 3499 them everywhere kitted form hugging lycra c... lifeandstyle 3 [them, everywhere, kitted, form, hugging, lycr...
In [15]:
Unnamed: 0 Text Label Category words
0 4400 mark carney offer stay sound like desperate a... business 0 [mark, carney, offer, stay, sound, like, despe...
1 10926 romania security forces have mounted series r... environment 2 [romania, security, forces, have, mounted, ser...
2 3377 countryside patrick barkham does ... lifeandstyle 3 [countryside, patrick, barkham, does, spring, ...
3 4803 name blockbuster from beforetimes ... business 0 [name, blockbuster, from, beforetimes, appeara...
4 11609 michael gove become embroiled twitter with ov... environment 2 [michael, gove, become, embroiled, twitter, wi...
In [16]:
In [17]:
print('Number of Emails')
print ("Train_business      :{}".format(len(train[train.Category==0])))
print ("Train_culture       :{}".format(len(train[train.Category==1])))
print ("Train_environment   :{}".format(len(train[train.Category==2])))
print ("Train_lifeandstyle  :{}".format(len(train[train.Category==3])))
print ("Train_sport         :{}".format(len(train[train.Category==4])))
print ("Train_technology    :{}".format(len(train[train.Category==5])))

print ("Test_business       :{}".format(len(test[test.Category==0])))
print ("Test_culture        :{}".format(len(test[test.Category==1])))
print ("Test_environment    :{}".format(len(test[test.Category==2])))
print ("Test_lifeandstyle   :{}".format(len(test[test.Category==3])))
print ("Test_sport          :{}".format(len(test[test.Category==4])))
print ("Test_technology     :{}".format(len(test[test.Category==5])))

print ("Total               :{}".format(len(df)))
Number of Emails
Train_business      :1400
Train_culture       :1377
Train_environment   :1392
Train_lifeandstyle  :1409
Train_sport         :1418
Train_technology    :1404
Test_business       :73
Test_culture        :78
Test_environment    :101
Test_lifeandstyle   :89
Test_sport          :79
Test_technology     :80
Total               :12000

Training Data

The following table is made to show the frequency of a token appear in the business, culture, environment, life-and-style, sport, technology groups, the appearances of each token count only once for each articles.

In [18]:
WORDS = []
for cell in train.words:
    for word in cell:
words=pd.DataFrame(WORDS, columns=['word'])
Words=words.groupby('word', as_index=False).sum().iloc[:,0:2]
word count
0 aaaaaaaaaa 1
1 aaaaaaaaaarghhh 1
2 aaaaaaargh 1
3 aaaaaas 1
4 aaaaand 1

Inverse document frequency (IDF)

The IDF was used to weigh a keyword in any content and assign the importance to that keyword based on the number of times it appears in the document.

In [19]:
In [20]:
word count idf
0 aaaaaaaaaa 1 9.035987
1 aaaaaaaaaarghhh 1 9.035987
2 aaaaaaargh 1 9.035987
3 aaaaaas 1 9.035987
4 aaaaand 1 9.035987
In [21]:
businesswords = []
for cell in train[train.Category==0].words:
    for word in cell:
words=pd.DataFrame(businesswords, columns=['word'])
words['Appearances in business']=1
businesswords=words.groupby('word', as_index=False).sum().iloc[:,0:2]
#businesswords=businesswords[businesswords['Appearances in business']>5]
word Appearances in business
0 aabout 1
1 aaron 1
2 aaronovitch 1
3 aaronson 1
4 abandon 28
In [22]:
culturewords = []
for cell in train[train.Category==1].words:
    for word in cell:
words=pd.DataFrame(culturewords, columns=['word'])
words['Appearances in culture']=1
culturewords=words.groupby('word', as_index=False).sum().iloc[:,0:2]
#culturewords=culturewords[culturewords['Appearances in culture']>5]
word Appearances in culture
0 aaaaand 1
1 aacta 2
2 aaliyah 1
3 aamer 1
4 aamir 1
In [23]:
environmentwords = []
for cell in train[train.Category==2].words:
    for word in cell:
words=pd.DataFrame(environmentwords, columns=['word'])
words['Appearances in environment']=1
environmentwords=words.groupby('word', as_index=False).sum().iloc[:,0:2]
#environmentwords=environmentwords[environmentwords['Appearances in environment']>5]
word Appearances in environment
0 aadmi 1
1 aarash 1
2 aarhus 8
3 aaron 5
4 abalone 3
In [24]:
lifeandstylewords = []
for cell in train[train.Category==3].words:
    for word in cell:
words=pd.DataFrame(lifeandstylewords, columns=['word'])
words['Appearances in lifeandstyle']=1
lifeandstylewords=words.groupby('word', as_index=False).sum().iloc[:,0:2]
#lifeandstylewords=lifeandstylewords[lifeandstylewords['Appearances in lifeandstyle']>5]
word Appearances in lifeandstyle
0 aaaaaaaaaa 1
1 aaaah 1
2 aardvark 2
3 aaron 14
4 aarti 1
In [25]:
sportwords = []
for cell in train[train.Category==4].words:
    for word in cell:
words=pd.DataFrame(sportwords, columns=['word'])
words['Appearances in sport']=1
sportwords=words.groupby('word', as_index=False).sum().iloc[:,0:2]
#sportwords=sportwords[sportwords['Appearances in sport']>5]
word Appearances in sport
0 aaaaaaaaaarghhh 1
1 aaaaaas 1
2 aagh 1
3 aahed 1
4 aahs 2
In [26]:
technologywords = []
for cell in train[train.Category==5].words:
    for word in cell:
words=pd.DataFrame(technologywords, columns=['word'])
words['Appearances in technology']=1
technologywords=words.groupby('word', as_index=False).sum().iloc[:,0:2]
#technologywords=technologywords[technologywords['Appearances in technology']>5]
word Appearances in technology
0 aaaaaaargh 1
1 aaaagh 1
2 aaah 1
3 aaargh 2
4 aabel 1
In [27]:
merged1 = pd.merge(Words,businesswords, on='word', how='outer')
merged2=pd.merge(merged1,culturewords, on='word', how='outer')
merged3=pd.merge(merged2,environmentwords, on='word', how='outer')
merged4=pd.merge(merged3,lifeandstylewords, on='word', how='outer')
merged5=pd.merge(merged4,sportwords, on='word', how='outer')
merged6=pd.merge(merged5,technologywords, on='word', how='outer')
word count idf Appearances in business Appearances in culture Appearances in environment Appearances in lifeandstyle Appearances in sport Appearances in technology
0 aaaaaaaaaa 1 9.035987 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
1 aaaaaaaaaarghhh 1 9.035987 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
2 aaaaaaargh 1 9.035987 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
3 aaaaaas 1 9.035987 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
4 aaaaand 1 9.035987 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
In [28]:
In [29]:

Classification Process

Firstly, we break the arrticles we want to classify into a group of individual words w1, . . . , wn. The probability of receiving the email E is equal to the probability of receiving the list of words w1, . . . , wn.

$$P(Article) = P(w_1, . . . , w_n)$$
$$P(Article)=\prod_{i=0}^n P(w_i)$$
$$P(Articles|Buss) = P(w_1, . . . , w_n|Buss)$$
$$P(Articles|Buss)=\prod_{i=0}^n P(w_i|Buss)$$

We will apply same method for each article for training

We will calculate the probability of each word for being a business, culture, environment, life-and-style, sport or technology by using training dataset.

This estimation of P for each word in the articles could be problematic since it would give us probability 0 for documents with unknown words. To solve that problem we will use the Laplace Smoothing by adding 1/len(unique words)

In [33]:
Words['P(W|Buss)']=(Words['Appearances in business'])/(businesswords['Appearances in business'].sum())+0.1/Words['count'].sum()
Words['P(W|Cult)']=(Words['Appearances in culture'])/(culturewords['Appearances in culture'].sum())+0.1/Words['count'].sum()
Words['P(W|Env)']=(Words['Appearances in environment'])/(environmentwords['Appearances in environment'].sum())+0.1/Words['count'].sum()
Words['P(W|LifStd)']=(Words['Appearances in lifeandstyle'])/(lifeandstylewords['Appearances in lifeandstyle'].sum())+0.1/Words['count'].sum()
Words['P(W|Sport)']=(Words['Appearances in sport'])/(sportwords['Appearances in sport'].sum())+0.1/Words['count'].sum()
Words['P(W|Tech)']=(Words['Appearances in technology'])/(technologywords['Appearances in technology'].sum())+0.1/Words['count'].sum()
word count idf Appearances in business Appearances in culture Appearances in environment Appearances in lifeandstyle Appearances in sport Appearances in technology P(W|Buss) P(W|Cult) P(W|Env) P(W|LifStd) P(W|Sport) P(W|Tech)
22 aami 11 6.638092 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.0 0.0 3.061291e-08 3.061291e-08 3.061291e-08 3.061291e-08 0.000011 3.061291e-08
31 aaron 109 4.344639 1.0 12.0 5.0 14.0 72.0 5.0 1.349427e-06 1.856893e-05 8.760791e-06 2.757904e-05 0.000073 7.583757e-06
42 aback 14 6.396930 0.0 2.0 0.0 7.0 2.0 3.0 3.061291e-08 3.120332e-06 3.061291e-08 1.380483e-05 0.000002 4.562499e-06
48 abandon 92 4.514198 28.0 11.0 13.0 11.0 20.0 9.0 3.695741e-05 1.702407e-05 2.272908e-05 2.167580e-05 0.000020 1.362627e-05
49 abandoned 194 3.768129 33.0 33.0 46.0 22.0 45.0 15.0 4.355148e-05 5.101098e-05 8.034825e-05 4.332100e-05 0.000045 2.269004e-05
In [34]:
import time
start2 = time.time()
arr = ['P(W|Buss)','P(W|Cult)', 'P(W|Env)','P(W|LifStd)', 'P(W|Sport)', 'P(W|Tech)']
arr2 = ['log(P(wi|Buss))','log(P(wi|Cult))', 'log(P(wi|Env))','log(P(wi|LifStd))', 'log(P(wi|Sport))', 'log(P(wi|Tech))']
for p,p2 in zip(arr,arr2):
    for i in range (0, len(test)):
        Y.append((pd.DataFrame(test.words[i], columns=['word'])))  
    for i in range(len(test)):
        A.append([np.array(Words[Words.word==wrds][p]) for wrds in Y[i].word])
    for i in range (0, len(test)):
end2 = time.time()
print("time (s) : {:.4f}".format(end2 - start2))
time (s) : 6528.4144
In [35]:
Unnamed: 0 Text Label Category words log(P(wi|Buss)) log(P(wi|Cult)) log(P(wi|Env)) log(P(wi|LifStd)) log(P(wi|Sport)) log(P(wi|Tech))
0 4400 mark carney offer stay sound like desperate a... business 0 [mark, carney, offer, stay, sound, like, despe... -1291.619552 -1372.255165 -1389.793101 -1397.703253 -1409.098479 -1360.221880
1 10926 romania security forces have mounted series r... environment 2 [romania, security, forces, have, mounted, ser... -2417.418293 -2504.248538 -2307.967083 -2564.397852 -2721.002640 -2447.485691
2 3377 countryside patrick barkham does ... lifeandstyle 3 [countryside, patrick, barkham, does, spring, ... -7949.011449 -7220.498377 -7583.662117 -7177.570643 -7707.589284 -7857.034063
3 4803 name blockbuster from beforetimes ... business 0 [name, blockbuster, from, beforetimes, appeara... -1807.287642 -1693.970944 -1853.226109 -1715.501557 -1813.334429 -1711.724248
4 11609 michael gove become embroiled twitter with ov... environment 2 [michael, gove, become, embroiled, twitter, wi... -1860.439818 -2015.195762 -1722.669945 -1925.593743 -2056.441882 -1978.825582
In [36]:
In [37]:
In [38]:
In [39]:
for i in range (0, len(test)):
        if test['log(P(wi|Buss))'][i]==test['max'][i]:
        if test['log(P(wi|Cult))'][i]==test['max'][i]:
        if test['log(P(wi|Env))'][i]==test['max'][i]:
        if test['log(P(wi|LifStd))'][i]==test['max'][i]:
        if test['log(P(wi|Sport))'][i]==test['max'][i]:
        if test['log(P(wi|Tech))'][i]==test['max'][i]:
In [43]:
array = confusion_matrix(test['Category'], test['predict_label'])
df_cm = pd.DataFrame(array, range(6),range(6))
plt.figure(figsize = (10,7))
sn.set(font_scale=1.4)#for label size
sn.heatmap(df_cm, annot=True,annot_kws={"size": 25}, fmt="d")# font size
print ("Accuracy : %{:.4f}".format(((array[0][0]+array[1][1]+array[2][2]+array[3][3]+array[4][4]+array[5][5])/len(test))*100))
Accuracy : %89.2929
In [44]:
print(classification_report(test['Category'], test['predict_label']))
             precision    recall  f1-score   support

          0       0.91      0.84      0.87        73
          1       0.79      0.92      0.85        75
          2       0.91      0.87      0.89       100
          3       0.81      0.83      0.82        88
          4       1.00      0.96      0.98        79
          5       0.96      0.95      0.96        80

avg / total       0.90      0.89      0.89       495

Published: November 20, 2018